Saturday, January 17, 2009

CCA Fair !

Yesterday was CCA Fair ! :D I guess it was a success. Yeah, went around school giving out the pamphlets. Going to other CCA's booth go steal the Sec 1s, LOL ! Had lots of fun thereeeee.

Spent most of the time playing floorball before the Sec 1s came. Before going to school, met Dear and Candice ? LOL. But Thanawin and I got to go, so didn't spent much time with Dear D:

Went in school and headed to the play area, saw Nabihan playing there alrd, LOL.
I guess this year many Sec 1s will join Floorball/Hockey, muahahaha.
Then Dear's phone died on her, so Candice sms me say after school wait outside school gate. I thought fake one. In the end, they really outside LOL !!

They stalked me and Thanawin D: Paparazzi, LOLOL.
Yeah after Dear cabb-ed to idk where, home I think. Thanawin and I go eat prata LOL.
Then went home, super tired. Msn-ed Dear for a short while then went to bathe and sleep.

Okay bye, nibs. Floorball huat ;D

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